Industry News

Our Tips For Productive Working From Home

Published: 20 May 2020

Everyone’s work routines and patterns have rapidly changed due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

On a positive note, the change of our working environments and workdays has resulted in effective upskilling and we’ll be returning with boosted skills and a stronger team. We thought it might be worth sharing some of our tips on working from home.

  • Structure your workdays as you would normally. Keep elements of your routine and set a regular start and end time to your day. We’d advise sticking to your usual working hours; this will make returning to normality and the workplace a lot smoother. Don’t forget to take breaks too, brief walks are the best way to recover from distractions and regain focus.

  • Working in isolation means you’re in complete control of your workflow. Take this as the best opportunity you’ll get to perfect your time management skills. You’re your own manager in this situation and if you need ways to track and streamline your work progress we’d recommend or Trello.

  • In times like these, where everyone is apart, utilising technology in the golden age of all things digital is a necessity. Social media has risen to the occasion and conducting team conference calls has been made very easy thanks to WebEx or Microsoft Teams. Another platform you might have not considered that is useful for group video calls is Snapchat. These platforms can only strengthen and enhance communication among all members of a team.

  • The right playlist can heighten productivity. Working in isolation can be challenging but working in silence is unnecessary. Lyric free music and video game soundtracks to be precise are the ultimate tunes to fine-tune your concentration and keep you focused when working from home.

The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) had created a wealth of advice and resources if you want to find out more about effective ways of working from home.

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