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Cheltenham Racecourse

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Crest & Sovereign Suite

Room Details
Room Name Crest & Sovereign Suite 
Suite - 
Floor Ground 
Lift to floor Yes 
Theatre 200 
Classroom 80 
Boardroom 60 
U-Shape 30 
Cabaret 100 
Lunch/Dinner 170 
Dinner Dance 150 
Reception 200 
Length 36m 
Width 8.5m 
Area 306m² 
Height (max) 2.6m 
Height (min) - 
Door Height 2m 
Door Width 1.8m 
Tungsten Yes 
Fluorescent No 
Halogen No 
Dimmers No 
Controls in Room Yes 
Blackout No 
Windows Yes 
Sound System Fitted No 
Air Conditioning No 
3-Phase Available No 
No. of 13 amp Sockets 16 
No. of Telephone Points - 


Conference Equipment:
The Centaur has a mother grid, stage, drapes, house lighting package including two spotlights plus Meyer MD PA system, iPads, powered front of house, flipcharts, and screen data projector.

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